Back The Blue LEMC Welcome Information
Back the Blue
Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club
We are a Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club whose members are active duty,
retired or reserve law enforcement officers and first responders from a
variety of agencies and jurisdictions, along with our civilian friends
who support us in our profession. Together we share the love of
motorcycles, the wind in our faces and the brotherhood of likeminded
motorcyclist. As a fraternal organization we strive to support one
another, law enforcement professionals, first responders and our
community. Our colors clearly identify our affiliation with law
enforcement, and we are bound by our oath of office and law enforcement
“code of ethics.” Our members reflect a positive image for our profession
and our club.
A. Qualifications - General
1. All Members and spouses or significant other must own an American
or Metric cruiser and above Motorcycle which is in running condition.
2. If at any time a member’s or spouse’s motorcycle becomes disabled,
he or she must work to correct the problem or replace the motorcycle
within one year.
Should a member fail to do so within one year, he or she must take a
leave of absence until the disability has been remedied, unless given
a wavier by the Executive Board.
3. This is a Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club. Therefore, a minimum of
2/3 of the active Full Membership must be full time police officers,
retired police officers and reserve police officers, including Local,
County, State, and Federal Officers. For the purpose of membership to
this club, to be considered a law enforcement officer your position
with your department must be a weapon-carrying position and you must
be able to submit proof of full time employment (i.e., ID photocopy,
commission license, or retired ID).
“Honorably Retired Law Enforcement Officer” means a former peace
officer who:
(A) previously served but is not currently serving as an elected,
appointed, or employed peace officer.
(B) did not retire in lieu of any disciplinary action.
(C) was eligible to retire from a law enforcement agency in his state
or was ineligible to retire only as a result of an injury received in
the course of the officer's employment with the agency.
(D) has 20 years of Law Enforcement service and is eligible to receive
a pension or annuity for service as a law enforcement officer in his
state or is ineligible to receive a pension or annuity only because
the law enforcement agency that employed the officer does not offer a
pension or annuity to its employees; and
(E) has photographic identification issued by the agency from which
the individual separated from service as a law enforcement officer
that identifies the person as having been employed as a police officer
or law enforcement officer.
The Executive Board may review the former officer’s status as
“Honorably Re-tired,” in which event the board will review the
retirement status of the member in question. The board will vote on
the status of the findings. The Executive Board’s determination that
the former should be considered "honorably retired" will qualify the
member to serve as Executive Board President, Executive Board Vice
President, Chapter President, and Chapter Vice President," as provided
“Reserve Peace Officer” means a Peace Officer who has met the same
licensing requirements of full time Peace Officers by their state’s
licensing commission.
4. If the acceptance of a non-law enforcement applicant would cause
the club membership to fall below the 2/3 ratio of law enforcement to
civilian ratio, that applicant may not be granted Full Membership
until such time as sufficient law enforcement Full Members exists to
allow the 2/3 ratio.
5. Any applicant who is NOT a full time or retired law enforcement
officer, as defined above, must have his application approved by the
Executive Board, prior to their application being accepted or
otherwise considered.
6. No applicant or member may have a felony conviction. All applicants
at the discretion of the Chapter President will undergo an extensive
background check. Any questions regarding eligibility will be directed
to the Executive Board.
1. One who wishes to become a member of the club must be sponsored by
a full member in good standing and must submit a completed application
to the Secretary of the Chapter to which he or she wishes to apply.
2. An applicant may be admitted to the club as a Probate Member upon
approval by 2/3 of the full members of that Chapter who are present at
such Chapter meeting at his or her second consecutive monthly meeting
of that Chapter. Upon admission, a Probates must also begin paying their Chapters
$30 per month during their probationary period, this fee will cover the cost of their
membership dues during such probationary period, after the six months
of probation and once a member become a full patched member,
his or her yearly dues will become $240 ($20.00 a month for a full patched member
and $10.00 a month for a spouse or significant other). If the member or couple
pays in full for their yearly dues by the end of the first quarter, they will receive
a two-month break. If a Probate does not ultimately become a full Member, the application
fee and the dues paid during the probationary period will be refunded..
This vest must be worn
at all club functions. If the probate does not ultimately become a
full member, such chapter fees will be re-funded upon his or her
return of the Top rocker and Center patch since they are Trademarked
and owned by the club. The $25.00 a month fee is to cover the cost of
the club patches. Once a member becomes a full patched, they will be
required to pay a yearly fee for their dues of $100 for a single
patched member and an additional $50.00 for their spouse or
significant other.
3. Upon his or her attendance at six (6) Chapter monthly meetings
(including the two meetings described in the previous paragraph), a
probate may be considered for full membership, subject to the
a. At the sole discretion of the Chapter President, a vote for
membership may be taken prior to the expiration of the foregoing six
(6) month requirement.
b. A probate who has previously been a member in good standing with an
approved Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club is eligible for consideration
for full membership at his second consecutive monthly meeting of the
All full membership votes must be by a vote of 2/3 of the members
present in person or by proxy (given to the Chapter President) at the
meeting. Upon approval as a full member, the new member will be
provided his or her patches and must pay for such patches and begin
paying any and all required dues.
1. Every member must attend the regularly scheduled monthly meetings of
his or her Chapter unless excused by an officer of his or her Chapter.
Any member who has 3 consecutive unexcused absences from meetings is
subject to removal from the club at the discretion of the Chapter
President and/or the Executive Board or can be placed on suspension and
his or her colors removed until he or she become current.
2. Any member who becomes three months behind in dues will be placed
on suspension and his or her colors removed until he or she is current
on dues. He or she will not be considered in good standing. A second
instance of being 3 months behind on dues may result in removal from
the club at the discretion of the Chapter President
3. Full members and probates must attend all events that have been
designated as “mandatory” events unless excused by his or her Chapter
President or the Executive Board.
4. If a member disrespects or strikes another member he or she will
have his or her colors re-moved on the spot by a Sgt. at Arms.
Surrendering your colors to the Sgt at Arms without argument is
essential, and any ensuing resistance will only add to the se-verity
of the offense.
5. Depending on the severity of the offense, the member may be
suspended or re-moved from the club. Information concerning the
offense is to be provided to his Chapter President and Chapter Board,
by the Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms. The Chapter Board will review the
charges and make their recommendation to the Chapter President, who
will then hand down the discipline. Member’s colors will remain in the
hands of the Chapter President until full resolution and disciplinary
actions are handed down and met by the member.
6. Members may sale merchandise that is club related, contains club
insignias or symbols. All items for sale with club insignias or
symbols must be approved by the Executive Board.
7. The Chapter President may authorize a member to take a leave
absence for up to one year. During the leave of absence, the member
must surrender his or her colors.
8. A member may transfer from his current Chapter to a different one,
but only if he first obtains the consent of both the president of his
or her current Chapter and the president of the Chapter to which he or
she wishes to transfer.
9. If a member quits, or is removed from the club, the Executive Board
will determine if the member is eligible to return to the club in the
10. Each club member is responsible for his or her own conduct and for
the conduct and behavior of his or her spouse, or significant other
and guests’ actions at all club meetings, functions, runs and events.
In the event that any member’s spouse, significant other or guest is
involved in an altercation or is in any way in need of discipline or
endangers the reputation or wellbeing of the club or any other member
or guest at a club function, the member will be held responsible.
After review by the Chapter Board and Chapter President, the member
will be disciplined appropriately, which may include termination of
membership status.
1. It is not mandatory for spouses or significant others to join.
2. Must be a spouse or significant other of a Full member of the BTB
3. Significant others that co-habituate with a BTB LEMC Full member of
the club will be eligible to join the club under the same rules as a
full member.
4. Shall wear the colors of the club, with the exception of the LE MC
patches and State bottom rocker. However, if such spouse or
significant other is an active duty or retired law enforcement
officer, she or he may wear an “LE” patch upon the approval of the
Chapter President.
5. Shall wear the road name of his or her spouse or significant other
on the bottom rocker.
6. Will not vote on any agenda item, or election.
7. Will pay half of the yearly dues of a full-time member.
8. Will be treated with the same respect and dignity afforded to all
members of BTB LEMC.
9. May participate in all club events and runs.
10. In the unfortunate event that a spouse or significant other of a
BTB LEMC Full Member become estranged or divorced, the spouse or
significant other must sur-render their club colors to the Sergeant-
at-Arms and may not participate in any club events and runs.
11. Spouses & Significant others do not probate. They will not be
voted in until their spouse or significant other is voted in to the
BTB LEMC as a Full Member.
12. However it is their responsibility to make every effort to meet,
know and interact with all of the existing spouses and or significant
13. The club encourages that spouses and significant others attend all
club meetings, functions and runs. However, due to the many other
family commitments, there are no mandatory meeting attendance
requirements for the BTB spouses or significant others. Nevertheless,
the spouse’s dues and the significant other’s dues must be paid
regard-less whether she attends a meeting if they are members of the
14. Spouses and significant others of Fallen Brothers may retain their
If you decide to get involved in this organization, you will receive a
copy of the club’s By-Laws.
These By-Laws and all subsequently amended By-Laws are binding on all
Members, probates, Spouses and Significant Others, each of whom must
acknowledge their receipt of a current copy of the By-Laws and
acknowledge in writing their binding effect.